60 things you need to know about Joe Biden before Election Day
Joe Biden wants to ban fracking
Joe Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Joe Biden lied about being arrested in South Africa
Joe Biden defends China
Joe Biden supports killing babies
Joe Biden wants open borders
Joe Biden wants to defund the police
Joe Biden accepts rioting and violence in our major cities
Joe Biden wants universal vote by mail
Joe Biden wants to increase your taxes
Joe Biden has a corrupt family
Joe Biden wants to take away your guns
Joe Biden inappropriately touches young girls
Joe Biden can’t form a sentence
Joe Biden is China’s puppet
If Joe had all the answers, why didn’t he tell Obama for the 8 years they were in the White House?
Joe Biden forced America into the horrible Iran Nuclear Deal while Vice President
Joe Biden has been in office for 47 years
Joe Biden was an important figure in the Spygate scandal
Joe Biden said Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate”
Joe Biden has enriched many of his family members through his elected office
Joe Biden supports free healthcare for illegal immigrants
Joe Biden supports taxpayer funding for abortions
Joe Biden supports citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants
Joe Biden’s climate agenda will destroy American energy production and millions of jobs
Joe Biden advised against the Bin Laden raid
Joe Biden lied about Benghazi
Joe Biden said “poor kids are just as bright as white kids”
Joe Biden can’t publicly face the media
Joe Biden had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race for plagiarism
Joe Biden is against term limits
Joe Biden is weak on the military
Joe Biden confused his wife with his sister at a rally
Joe Biden supports the Green New Deal
Joe Biden suggested sending $200 million to Iran after 9/11
Joe Biden wants to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay
Joe Biden named AOC the co-chair for the Biden-Sanders climate task force
Joe Biden's own running mate Kamala Harris said she believes his accuser
Joe Biden claimed to believe all women but denies his sexual assault accuser
Joe Biden said he would “take your AR-14’s away”
Joe Biden called a student a 'lying dog-faced pony soldier' at a rally
Joe Biden bribed Ukraine to prevent an investigation into his son
Joe Biden falls asleep during interviews
Joe Biden refuses to take a cognitive test
Joe Biden lied about being endorsed by the NAACP every time he runs
Joe Biden has been caught plagiarizing numerous speeches
He said you can't go to 7/11 unless you have an Indian accent
Joe Biden told a man in a wheelchair to stand up
Joe Biden lied and said the Obama administration “didn’t lock people up in cages”
Joe Biden's spending proposals would reach nearly $10 trillion
Joe Biden lied about the Iraq War when he said, “the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment"
Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris based on gender and color, not qualifications
Joe Biden told coal miners they should learn how to code
Joe Biden constantly forgets which state he is in
Joe Biden forgot the words to the Declaration of Independence
Joe Biden lied by claiming he attended an HBCU
Joe Biden fabricated a war story that never happened
He said Hilary Clinton is more qualified to be Vice President than he was
Joe Biden lied about attending law school on a full academic scholarship
Joe Biden lied about graduating “with three degrees from undergraduate school”
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